In English

Equality Research Helsinki conducts research, reports and assessments on gender equality and diversity.

Publications on four themes

Mitigating gender segregation

Equality in Education

Environment and Gender

  • Publication: Gender impact assessment of the upcoming Finland’s Climate and Energy Strategy was published in 16.9.2021. The report examines the gender impacts of the 101 policy measures proposed for the strategy. The policy measures mainly fall on male-dominated sectors, contain technical solutions that are of interest to men and have a greater impact on men’s consumer habits. Download the report written in Finnish with the English executive summary Gender Impact Assessment of the Finnish Climate and Energy Strategy, read news in English regarding its publishing on the website of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, or read my blog post in Finnish. The report was published by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, and conducted by a research team consortium including Oxford Research, Equality Research Helsinki, and Gaia Consulting.

Intersectional inequalities

  • Publication: Tanhua, Inkeri & Komba, Neema (2022). Intersectional inequalities and how to fight them. In Sandberg, Maria & Tienari, Janne (Eds.), Transformative Action for Sustainable Outcomes. Responsible Organising (pp. 99–104). London & New York: Routledge.
  • Ongoing project: H2020 RESISTIRÉ project is gathering ten European partners and a wider network of researchers to analyze the impact of COVID-19 policies on gendered and intersectional inequalities. I am participating in the project as a national researcher from Finland. Read more about the project in my blog post in Finnish or from the project website in English.