Equality Research Helsinki conducts research, reports and assessments on gender equality and diversity.
Publications on four themes
Mitigating gender segregation
- Tanhua, Inkeri (2022) The Gendering of Technology Education: minority Ethnic Students’ Experiences of a Women-Dominated Vocational Dental Technology Programme. NORA Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, doi.org/10.1080/08038740.2022.2131908.
Equality in Education
- Jousilahti, Julia; Tanhua, Inkeri; Paavola, Juho-Matti; Alanko, Leena; Kinnunen, Amanda; Louvrier, Jonna; Husu, Liisa; Levola, Maria; Kilpi, Jenni (2022) KOTAMO : Report on the state of equality and diversity in Finnish higher education institutions (in English and Finnish). The final report published by KOTAMO project (2021-2022). The report includes results based on statistics, literature, survey, interviews, workshops and international benchmarking. Also, the report includes recommendations for improving gender equality and diversity. The project was funded by Ministry of Education and Culture, and coordinated by Demos Helsinki.
- Tanhua, Inkeri and Paavola, Juho-Matti (2022) Sukupuolten tasa-arvo ja etninen tasa-arvo korkeakoulujen opetus- ja tutkimushenkilöstön keskuudessa – Kirjallisuuskatsaus (in Finnish). Publication is part of the KOTAMO-project. The report includes statistics and a review of literature on gender equality and diversity among research and teaching personnel. I was mainly responsible in reviewing literature and Paavola was mainly responsible of collecting the statistics.
- Publication: Tanhua, Inkeri (2020) Report on the promotion of gender equality and non-discrimination in higher education institutions in Finland (in Finnish, with an English summary). Publications by the Ministry of Education and Culture 2020:20. In the report, I review the equality and non-discrimination plans drawn up by the Finnish higher education institutions. In addition to review, the report introduces some of the good practices presented in the plans. The report is published in Finnish with the English abstract by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
- Publication: Nason, Giulia, and Maria Sangiuliano (editors) (2020) State of the Art Analysis: Mapping the Awarding Certification Landscape in Higher Education and Research. The report was conducted in H2020 CASPER project coordinated by Smart Venice srl. I participated as a national researcher in mapping the awarding certification landscape on gender equality in higher education and research in Finland, as part of the European-wide state of the art analysis published by the project.
- Publication: European Institute for Gender Equality (2020) Beijing +25: the fifth review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU Member States. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. The review is published by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), and the project was coordinated by ICF International. I participated as a senior researcher in reviewing the part that considers education in the review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU Member States.
Environment and Gender
- Publication: Gender impact assessment of the upcoming Finland’s Climate and Energy Strategy was published in 16.9.2021. The report examines the gender impacts of the 101 policy measures proposed for the strategy. The policy measures mainly fall on male-dominated sectors, contain technical solutions that are of interest to men and have a greater impact on men’s consumer habits. Download the report written in Finnish with the English executive summary Gender Impact Assessment of the Finnish Climate and Energy Strategy, read news in English regarding its publishing on the website of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, or read my blog post in Finnish. The report was published by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, and conducted by a research team consortium including Oxford Research, Equality Research Helsinki, and Gaia Consulting.
Intersectional inequalities
- Publication: Tanhua, Inkeri & Komba, Neema (2022). Intersectional inequalities and how to fight them. In Sandberg, Maria & Tienari, Janne (Eds.), Transformative Action for Sustainable Outcomes. Responsible Organising (pp. 99–104). London & New York: Routledge.
- Ongoing project: H2020 RESISTIRÉ project is gathering ten European partners and a wider network of researchers to analyze the impact of COVID-19 policies on gendered and intersectional inequalities. I am participating in the project as a national researcher from Finland. Read more about the project in my blog post in Finnish or from the project website in English.